What does FMDiff report?
Please note: this page - as well as a FMDiff report requires a current browser to be properly shown.
Hidden, But Important File Information
Let's look at a Comparison Report as shown in a browser. The report unveils details you've never seen before:
- Timestamp - The date and time the original file was created, regardless of any later recoveries or clones
- Recover Count - How many times the file was recovered
- Used with FileMaker versions - in the order of first usage
- Used with System versions - in the order of first usage
The samples shown here were taken from various files to show many aspects. You may download a real life example (44 kByte) as html file.
Report Header
The header shows the file name, the FMDiff version, the date and time of the comparison, and the elapsed time for the comparison. More fields can be set via preference settings, like who did the test, the machine configuration, location.
The Creation Time of a file remains permanent, regardless whether the file was duplicated, saved as, cloned or recovered. The Modified timestamp is the same as given in the finder. The file Size (in Bytes) must always be a multiple of 4096.
Use Counts
The FileMaker and OS version counts the file was opened with. Please note that simply opening and closing a file without any kind of modification does not increase the counter.
In case there are no errors or warnings:
Problems with the file will be reported here (and possibly no further difference reporting will take place).
What are "Orphaned blocks"?
FileMaker files are divided in blocks (elsewhere called "pages") of 4 kB. All blocks belong to one of three linked lists and are either free, contain the internal "table of contents", or are used for the structure and data. Orphaned blocks may appear under certain circumstances.
The main reason is testing a file while it is in use by FileMaker. Since FileMaker keeps elements being modified in a separate cache, the file is not complete or links between blocks are not yet updated. The same thing happens when a file is copied or backed up while in use.
As a conclusion, life copies of FileMaker files in use are worthless. Only closed files can safely be backed up or copied. The way to go is to use FileMaker Server and only to keep copies of the backups produced by FileMaker Server, while excluding the life files.
Other reasons may be not properly closed files or file damages.
Severe Error:
You may just check a file for corruption with a specific procedure. Read how to test a file for corruption
Here you can tell how many times a file has been recovered. Unless you have the complete recover.log history and it shows no errors or data losses, you can't trust the file. In real life this means you never can trust a recovered file.
Modifications Overview
Changes within the file with direct links to the sections
Global Settings
Window positions zoomed and un-zoomed, onOpen and onClose scripts, default password...
Base Tables, Fields, Table Occurrences
The Tables section lists the Base Tables, their Table Occurrences and Fields. For every Field more details are listed.
Please note: TO, Field, and other names are shown for elements within the same file only. To see names from related files, a folder comparison must be done.
With the Base Tables the Record Change Count is shown, which is an accumulation of all data modifications. This provides a clue about the usage of each table.
Please note: The Base Table IDs cannot be retrieved with any FileMaker Function. TableIDs ( fileName ) returns TableOccurrence IDs, not BaseTable IDs.
Custom Functions
Extended Privileges
External Data Source
Value Lists
The Value Lists section reports all custom values that have been changed.
Custom Menu Sets
Custom Menus
Download a complete FMDiff report (44 kByte) as html file.
Provided with this information you can tell:
- Whether an element was deleted, modified, or added.
- The element's ID or value label
- The old and new value or name
- The number of modifications applied to an item
- With the free FMDiff edition a '*' is shown for any ID or undisclosed element.
- What, where, on what machine, and who did the comparison.
- All changes applied in a compact overview
- The differences in detail
- Which of two files is was most recently modified (which file is new?)
- How intensively the table data was used
- ... and if the comparison passes without error, that the file is OK.
With FMDiff you can prove a FileMaker file is in good shape, has not been modified - or in case it has, where.
Any information about FMDiff and FMVis is subject to change without
© 2005 - 2015 Winfried Huslik †. © 2025 Jürgen Geßwein. All Rights Reserved. FMDiff and FMVis are trademarks of Jürgen Geßwein, Augsburg, Germany. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA. Other trademarks mentioned are property of their respective owners. This web site has not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by FileMaker, Inc.