Resolved Bugs
From time to time some bugs slip into a FileMaker Pro release. The description is moved in here when a new update has resolved that bug.
There's a new kid in town!
With the advent of FileMaker Pro 9.0v1 some users are confronted with a dialog like this:

What's that? First of all: Don't Panic! Before you follow that dialog's advice, go back to your previous FileMaker Pro version, open the file and save a Compacted Copy - then try again with FileMaker Pro 9. In almost all cases this solves the problem without Recover.
What happened to the file is that its Table of Contents, a special area in the file that maps structure and data IDs to its associated blocks within the file for fast access, is out of sync. FileMaker Pro 8.5 and 8 did use it as well but did not bother when it was out of sync on opening the file. Version 9 - on the contrary - is very strict in that respect. It is said to perform the same consistency check as FileMaker Server always did.
This false alarm has been removed with FileMaker Pro 9.0v2.
Examples are provided "AS IS" without warranties of any kind. Use at your own risk.
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